Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sunday Update January 27, 2013

I did lots of stitching today!  It's getting late, though, so I'm just going to do a quick update on the three projects I've been working on this month.

HAED's Angel with Iris by Nadia Strelkina is a continuing WIP, but coming along nicely.  She's still my husband's favorite.

HAED Angel with Iris by Nadia Strelkina

Wisteria by The Silver Lining was a new start last weekend.  I still love stitching on black, and I may do a series of these lovely flowers on black Jobelan.  This one will look better when I get to the major part of the flower.

Wisteria by The Silver Lining

Finally, I got in 3 hours on HAED's Foregone by Marta Dahlig today.  It's the first time I've stitched that piece in two weeks, and she'll be on the floor frame until I start And They Sinned in February.  I'm looking forward to seeing the lady, since it's been all drapery so far.

HAED's Foregone by Marta Dahlig

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sunday Update January 20, 2013

It's been a busy week at work, but I managed to get a bit of stitching done on HAED's Angel with Iris this week.  What I'm excited about is finally getting started on Wisteria by The Silver Lining.  The chart was gifted to me at the end of November by Mary in the OneOverOners Yahoo Group.  I had intended to start it in December, but I ended up concentrating and finishing Gigi R's Belles-Lettres D.

I'm stitching Wisteria on 28 count black Jobelan, stitched one over one full cross.  I do like stitching on black, and I can tell I'm really going to enjoy stitching this design.   Here's a picture of the two leaves I've stitched this weekend, which happened to be International Hermit and Stitch Weekend:

Wisteria by The Silver Lining

My other major news is that my sampler, Belles-Lettres D by Gigi R, is now at Jill Rensel's studio, and we've agreed on how it's to be framed.  She'd suggested stacked frames with a fillet, and I loved the effect using a dark carved outer frame, a green gold inner frame, and a dark fillet.  She's going to try to get it back to me in time for our next anniversary on February 12th.  Here's a picture of the looke we chose:

Gigi R's Belles-Lettres D with framing sample from Jill Rensel

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sunday Update January 13, 2013

My big news tonight is that my sampler, Gigi R's Belles-Lettres D, is on its way to Jill Rensel in Utah for framing.  It's in the UPS system and should arrive at her studio on Tuesday.  She's made a couple of preliminary suggestions in our e-mail exchange, and we'll discuss options once she has the piece in hand.

Gigi R's Belles-Lettres D

Stitchwise this week, I worked on HAED's Foregone by Marta Dahlig.  I'm enjoying stitching this one on 25 count Magic Guide, 1 over 1 full cross.  I have about 4,400 stitches done, but so far it's all dark drapery in the background.

Approx 4,400 stitches done

Foregone by Marta Dahlig
Tonight I put Foregone away and will be working on HAED's Angel with Iris by Nadia Strelkina on the floor frame this week.  I also plan to do some beading on Mirabilia's Midsummer Night's Fairy, hoping to finally finish her this month.  She's been a long-time UFO.  Finally, I plan to start stitching Wisteria by The Silver Lining on black Jobelan, and since that's a smaller piece, I'll work that on my Q-Snaps and lap frame.

HAED's Angel with Iris

Mirabilia's Midsummer Night's Fairy

Wisteria by The Silver Lining

Sunday, January 6, 2013

2013 - First Sunday Update

This is the first Sunday of 2013, and I think it would be a good habit to do blog updates each Sunday evening.  Here's what I've been up to stitchwise this past week.

I started HAED's Foregone by Marta Dahlig at midnight on New Year's Eve and worked on that this weekend as well.  Here's a picture of my progress so far with about 1800 stitches in.  This section is all dark colors, including black, dark brown, and deep plum.

HAED's Foregone by Marta Dahlig - first 1800 stitches

I've also been trying to select a framer for Gigi R's Belles-Lettres D that I finished on December 30th.  The first quote threw me into sticker shock, but I've come to realize that if I want such a large piece framed really nicely by someone who knows how to handle cross stitch, it's going to be expensive.  I now have two quotes I'm consdering and hoping to hear from one other source before making a final selection.  Here's the piece in question, which has a stitched area about 28" x 22".

Gigi R's Belles Lettres D - Waiting for Framing

I did receive the first page of the HAED BB Freebie SAL QS The Literate Dragon by Randal Spangler, but I have my rotation full for January and will probably start that sometime next month.  I'm really enjoying stitching Foregone, so I want to continue work on her, as well as HAED's Angel with Iris by Nadia Strelkina.  In addition, I will probably finish beading Mirabilia's Midsummer Night's Fairy and start Wisteria by The Silver Lining this month.  Those four will certainly keep me busy!

HAED QS The Literate Dragon by Randal Spangler - Probably a February New Start
HAED Angel with Iris by Nadia Strelkina - WIP
Wisteria by The Silver Lining - January New Start
Mirabilia's Midsummer Night's Fairy - Awaiting Her Final Beading

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Final WIPocalypse Check-in for 2012

I forgot to post a final WIPocalyse check-in.  This is a bit redundant, but my Belles-Lettres D by Gigi R was completed on December 30, 2012.  I'll be taking this piece to the framers in the next couple of days, so here's the finished piece, both front and back, plus the WIP picture from January 2012.

Gigi R's Belles-Lettres D - Finished - Front

Gigi R's Belles-Lettres D - Finished - Back

Gigi R's Belles-Lettres D - WIP January 2012